아이고 일단 해보셔요. 콩나물 반찬 하나로 (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)ノ '국수','비빔밥'까지 쉽게 드셔요 :::::: About 'Seasoned Bean Sprouts' :::::: Hi.My Subscribers-. Today Menu is Seasoned Bean Sprouts. It is one of the 'Bibimbap' garnish. Rich in protein and vitamins, bean sprouts are easy to grow all year round. This dish is made by boiling bean sprouts in salt water, draining them, and then mixing with a variety of seasonings. After try, you will love me more ( ー̀εー́ ) *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #凉拌豆芽 #もやしの和え物 #Seasonedbeansprouts #콩나물무침 ※Ingredients(재료) -Bean Sprouts/콩나물 : 200g -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1/2 tsp -Ground Sesame/깨소금 : 1 tsp -Sesame Oil/참기름 : 1/2 tsp -Salt/소금 : 1/2 tsp -Chili Powder/고춧가루 :1 tbsp ※Details 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS -Rinse bean sprout under cold water /콩나물을 찬물에 씻어둡니다 2.BOILING BEAN SPROUTS -Cover and Boil bean sprouts for 3 minutes only/ 뚜껑을 덮고 3분 정도만 삶아주세요 3.MAKE A SEASONING ⓐPlac...
:::: Simple Korean Recipe ::::: ◈All videos have [Eng]/[Kor] subtitles ◈Youtube: myhomereicpe ◈Instargram :myhomerecipe #Koreanfoodrecipe #韓國料理 #Koreanrecipe