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[Korean Recipe]Strawberry Jam,Food Korea(タルギチェム)-Ep.5 딸기잼 레시피

*My Home Recipe in Korea/ 韓國料理 #StrawberryJam #タルギチェム #草莓果醬 ※Ingredients -Strawberry/딸기 : 2.2 kg -Sugar/설탕 : 400 g ※딸기잼 만들기 1.Prepare washed strawberries and drain water/ '딸기'를 씻어 놓은 후 물기를 빼두세요 2.Measure sugar into a dry bow/ '설탕'을 달아놓아요 3.Put washed strawberries,boil down with sugar/ 씻어논 '딸기'를 '설탕'과 함께 넣어 졸여주셔요 4.Stir often so the bottom does not burn/ 바닥이 '타지'않도록 자주 저어주셔야해요 [Tips]You can use a blender for fast cooking Easy cook with MYHOMEREICPE (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ※Contact : #Koreanfoodrecipe2018 #Documentary2019 #trip2020 #News2021 #韓國料理 #韩国料理 #Koreanfoodrecipe #MHR #Myhomerecipe #MolonLabe #Bulgogi #Kimchi #Koreanbbg #bibimbab #Korea #food #Manngchi #韓国料理 # कोरियाई भोजन #Comidacoreana #KoreanischesEssen #Koreanong pagkain #الطعام الكوري #อาหารเกาหลี #Kore yemeği #MónănHànQuốc #Koreanngapagkaon

[Korean Recipe]Steamed Eggs,Food Korea(ケランチム)-Ep.6 계란찜 레시피

Hi.Guy~. It is one of the steamed dishes mainly eaten in Korea with side dishes. Also good side dish for SOJU. Try it. *My Home Recipe in Korea, #SteamedEggs #ケランチム -계란찜 간단히 만들기 #鸡蛋羹 #茶碗蒸し ※Ingredients -Egg/달걀 : 6pcs -Carrot/당근 : 1TBSP -Spring Onion/파 : 1TBSP -Mushroom/표고 : 1TBSP -SALT/소금 : 1TSP(5mL) -SUGAR/설탕 : 1TSP(5mL) -WATER/물 : 400mL ※Details 1.Prepare vegetables as your preference. 2.It doesnt't matter if you dont have. 3.Chop the mushrooms after macerated. 4.SEASON WITH SALT AND SUGAR 5.To prepare the overflow, it is better to fill up to 80% of the container 6.BOILING AND TOPING 7.When the eggs begin to get lumpy, simmer over low heat. And cover with a container until you smell burning. Try, Enjoy! #Koreanfoodrecipe2018 #Documentary2019 #trip2020 #News2021 #韓國料理 #韩国料理 #Koreanfoodrecipe #MHR #Myhomerecipe #MolonLabe #Bulgogi #Kimchi #Koreanbbg #bibimbab #Korea #food #Manngchi #韓国料理 # कोरियाई भोजन #Comidacoreana #KoreanischesEssen #Koreanong pa...

[Korean Recipe]Kimchi Fried Rice,Food Korea(キムチチャーハン)-Ep.7 김치볶음밥 레시피

'김치','달걀'하나면 맛있는 볶음밥이 나타나요  ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖ)ᴖ ᴑ ᴖ๑)  :::::: About 'Kimchi Fried RIce' :::::: It is a fried food with chopped kimchi and cooked with rice. If you have kimchi, you can add any left stuff in your refrigerator. Also good combination with sesame oil as your preference. *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #KimchiFriedRice #キムチチャーハン #辣白菜炒饭 #김치볶음밥 ※Ingredients/재료 -Kimchi/김치 : 360 g -Rice/공기밥 : 2 cups -Spring Onion/파 : 30 g -Ham/햄 : 80 g -Egg/달걀 : 1 -Onion/양파 : 90 g -Cooking Oil/식용유 : 1 tbsp -Sugar/설탕 : 1/2 tbsp -Chopped seaweedsorSeaweed flake/김가루 : 1 tbsp -Seame/참깨 : 1/4 tsp ※Details 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS ; ①spring onion②onion③spam④kimchi/ '파'.'양파'.'햄'.'김치'를 썰어 준비해두세요 2.FRY IN OIL AND MIX ⓐPut cooking oil in a pan and make green onion-oil enough/ 식용유를 팬에 두른 후 '파기름'을 충분히 내주세요 ⓑAdd ingredients ; ①onion②spam③kimchi④sugar and stir-fry/ '양파','햄','김치...

[Korean Recipe]Pickled Allium Victorialis L,Food Korea(漬物 :ぎょうじゃ)-Ep.8 명이나물/산마늘 장아찌

삼겹살과 환상의 조합   (╭•̀ﮧ •́╮)  '명이나물' 장아찌 울릉도에서 공수해왔지요 :::::: About 'Pickled MingYi' :::::: Leaves are much larger than garlic, but taste and smell resemble. When you eat meat, it takes fat smell of meet away, and make taste more clean. *My Home Recipe in Korea, #PickledAlliumVictorialisL . #ぎょうじゃ#山凉拌菜 ※Ingredients(재료) -Allium victorialis L./명이나물 : 300 g -Vinegar/식초 : 400 mL -Sugar/설탕 : 400 mL -Soy Sauce/간장 : 400 mL -water/설탕 : 400 mL ※Details 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS ⓐWash leaves with running water/ 흐르는 물에 명이를 잘 씻어주세요 ⓑAnd drain well at this time/ '물기'를 빼주세요 2.MAKE A PICKLED IN SOY SAUCE ⓐRecipe ; add ①water②soy sauce③vinegar④sugar/ '1:1:1'의 비율로 '물','간장','식초','설탕'을 넣어주세요 ⓑBoil the pickled in soy sauce for 10 minutes/ '10분 간' 절임장을 끓여줍니다 ⓒLet hot suace cold/ 충분히 식혀두세요 3.PICKLED IN SOY SAUCE ⓐPile up washed vegetables into container/ '명이'를 용기에 차곡차곡 쌓아주세요 ...

[Korean Recipe]Gimbap,Food Korea(キンパプ)-Ep.9 김밥 레시피

'김밥' 돌돌말아 김밥  ◕`ε´◕  :::::: About 'Gimbap' :::::: It is a food that rolls up with rice and various ingredients. Ingredients of kimbap include radishes, eggs, fish cake, carrots, spinach, and put something that you can get easily.When going out for a picnic or an outing, use it as a lunch box or eat snacks. *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #Gimbap #キンパプ #紫菜卷饭 ※Ingredients(재료) -Dried laver/김 : 17 g -Rice/공기밥 : 4 cups -Pickled Radish/단무지 : 170 g -Ham/햄 : 120 g -Spinach/시금치 : 100 g -Egg/달걀 : 4 -Burdock/우엉 : 80 g(opt) -Crab meat/맛살 : 120 g(opt) -Salt/소금 -Sesame-Oil/참기름 ※Details 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS ; ①ham②crab meat③pickled radish④burdock/ '햄','맛살','우엉'을 준비해주세요 2.MAKING SLICED FRIED EGG ⓐBeat in egg,then salt little/ '소금'을 조금 넣고 달걀을 풀어주세요 ⓑPouring egg mixture in a pan ; cook over low heat. When the edges harden, flip the egg/ '약불'에 조리해주셔요.가장 자리가 단단하게 익으면, 지단을 뒤집어 줍니다 ⓒCut fried-egg int...

[Korean Recipe]Korean-leek Kimchi,Food Korea(プチュギムチ)-Ep.10 부추김치 레시피

여름철 '별치'반찬 초피드로 만드는 '부추김치'  ٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶  :::::: About 'Chive Kimchi' :::::: It's a kind of fresh Kimchi. Can be eaten without aging.We usually eat as delicacy food in the spring and summer season.It can also be a garnish of bibimbap. *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #KoreanleekKimchi #プチュギムチ #韭菜泡菜 #부추김치 ※Ingredients(재료) -Chives/부추 : 650 g -Carrot/당근 : 120 g -Red pepper powder/고춧가루 : 4 tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1 tbsp -Plum extract/매실액 : 3 tbsp -Fish Sauce/액젓 : 4 tbsp -Ground sesame/깨소금 : 1 tbsp ※Details 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS - Trim dead leaves off/ 부추의 '시든 잎'을 다름어 주세요 2.RINSE THE STUFF -Rinse it out 2~3 times in cold water/ 다듬은 '부추'를 찬물에 깨끗히 씻어주세요 3.MAKE SEASONING ⓐPlace chives and add seasoning ; ①red chili powder②fish sauce③plum juice④crushed garlic⑤sesame salt/ '고춧가루','멸치액젓'등을 넣어 양념을 해주세요 ⓑMix well season to taste. End with sliced carrot/ 채...

[Korean Recipe]Stir-fried anchovies,Food Korea(いりこ炒め)-Ep.11 멸치볶음 레시피

국민 반찬 '멸치볶음' 쉽게 만들 수 있어요  ٩(๑`^´๑)۶  :::::: About 'Stir-Fried Anchovied' :::::: The anchovies are fried in cooking oil, followed by starch syrup or sugar.It is also a capital accompaniment of drinks!! *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #Stirfriedanchovies #いりこ炒め #炒凤尾鱼 #멸치볶음레시피 ※Ingredients(재료) -Dried anchovy/멸치 : 200 g -The stalk of a garlic/마늘종 : 70 g -Chili/고추 : 4 -Starch syrup/물엿 : 9 tbsp -Pumpkin seed/호박씨 : 50 g -Sesame seeds/통깨 : 1 tbsp -Cooking Oil ※Details 1.RINSE ALL INGREDIENTS ; ①chili②stalk of garlic/ '고추'와'마늘쫑'을 씻어주세요 2.PREPARING INGREDIENTS/ 씻은 재료를 잘라 준비해줍니다. 3.STIR-FRY ALL INGREDIENTS IN OIL ⓐPut cooking oil in a pan, stir fry 'stalk of garlic','dried anchovy' separately/ ' 식용유'를 팬에 두른 뒤 '마늘 쫑'과 '마른멸치'를 각 각 볶아주세요 ⓑPut the stalk of garlic,chili and pumkin seed together/ 볶아 둔 '마늘쫑','고추','호박씨...