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#Driver's license cannot be confiscated by a Traffic Enforcer during traffic apprehensions except on the following situations in the philippines, 필리핀에서 교통법규 위반시 운전면허증 뺏기지 마세요.

Driver's license cannot be confiscated by a Traffic Enforcer during traffic apprehensions except on the following situations in the philippines

필리핀에서 운전하다보면, 짜증나는 상황이 많습니다. 뻑하면 협박/공갈.면허증을 가져가야 한다. LTO에서 반나절을 교육 받아야 하며, 더 많은 벌금을 내야한다 등등.

아래사항을 참고하세요.
Driver's license cannot be confiscated by a Traffic Enforcer during traffic apprehensions except on the following situations: (아래상황외엔 운전면허증은 교통단속원에 의해 압수 될 수 없습니다)

  1. The driver was involved in a traffic accident (교통사고에 관련될시)
  2. The driver has accumulated three (3) or more unsettled violations (똑같은 위반을 3번 이상 범하거나 해결되지 않을시)
  3. The driver has been apprehended for the following violations: (아래의 상황발생시 운전자는 체포된다)

  • Allowing another person to use driver's license
  • Broken sealing wire
  • Broken taximeter seal
  • Colorum operation (cargo/passenger vehicle)
  • Driving against traffic
  • Fake driver's license
  • Fake/altered taximeter seal
  • Fake/altered sealing wire
  • Fast/defective/non-operational/tampered taxi meter
  • Flagged up meter
  • Illegal or unauthorized counter-flow
  • Illegal transfer of plates/tags/stickers
  • Joined/reconnected sealing wire
  • No driver's ID
  • Ignoring Organized Bus Route (OBR) interval timers (for 2nd offense)
  • Skipping or bypassing designated OBR terminals or loading bays (for 2nd offense)
  • Operating on contractual basis
  • Out of line operation
  • Overcharging (with or without conductor) (for the 2nd offense)
  • Overspeeding
  • Refusal to convey passengers to destination/trip-cutting (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
  • Refusal to render service to public (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
  • Tampered sealing wire
  • Tampered taximeter seal
  • Tampering of OR/CR/CPC & other documents (spurious documents)
  • Undue preference/unjust discrimination
  • Using motor vehicle in commission of crime
The above-mentioned administrative violations also require a minimum of 2 hours seminar (for the drivers) at the Traffic Academy.

However, any driver who has committed three (3) or more unpaid violations, whether administrative or moving, shall also be subject to attending seminars, whose length shall be based on the results of the diagnostic exam (exam that will determine the contents of the seminar progress), which will be administered by the Agency.

*Note: If the license is to be confiscated, the Traffic Enforcer should inform the driver of the reason/s for the confiscation and the ticket validity.

If the driver refuses to surrender his driver's license, his plate may be detached pursuant to Section 74 & 75, MC 89-105


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