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쪽파김치(大葱泡菜)┃Scallions Kimchi-Ep.95

무공해로 담근     쪽파김치 보고가세요!               (๑˘ꇴ˘๑)  :::::: About 'Scallions Kimchi‘ :::::: Pa-kimchi, also known as green onion kimchi or scallion kimchi, is one of types of Kimchi that Koreans usually eat for side dishes and is most popular in Jeolla-do. It is known for its hot spicy taste. Green onions with large white sections is appropriate in making different kinds of kimchi due to their high sweetness. Hope you to enjoy in your country. ꒰( ˵¯͒ꇴ¯͒˵ )꒱ *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #greenonionkimchi #ネギのキムチ #大葱泡菜 #ScallionsKimchi ※Ingredients/재료 -Scallions/쪽파 : 500 g -Fish Sauce,Anchovy/멸치액젓 : 50 mL -Plum Juice/매실액 : 75 mL -Chili Powder/고춧가루 : 3 tbsp -Sesame Seed/통깨 : 1 tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1 tbsp ※Details [ENG] 1.PREPARING SCALLIONS ⓐPeel and Trim dead leaves off  ⓑWash off soiling on the surface in cold water ⓒDrain water at this time 2.PRESERVE IN ANCHOVY FISH SAUCE ⓐPlace washed scalli...

고기산적(散炙)┃Skewered Food 'Sanjeok'-Ep.94

고기 산적, '씹는 맛'이 일품 ! '우엉' 빠지면 섭섭해  ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ :::::: About 'Sanjeok‘ :::::: 'Sanjeok' is a type of skewered food in Korean cuisine. It is usually made by placing seasoned slices of beef with vegetables on a skewer and grilling or pan-frying them.All the ingredients are sliced into 5–6 cm (2.0–2.4 in) long pieces. Unlike other jeok dishes, sanjeok is not dredged with flour or egg-washed before being grilled or pan-fried. 'Sanjeok' may be used in 'ancestral rites' or eaten as banchan as a side dish. Hope you to enjoy-* (◕౪◕✿)  *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #산적만들기 #散炙 #串焼き ※Ingredients/재료 -Beef(eye of round)홍두깨살 : 330 g -Crab Meat/맛살 : 500 g -Ham/햄 : 200 g -King Oyster Mushroom/새송이버섯 : 150 g -Shishito Pepper/꽈리고추 : 250g -Burdock/우엉 : 600 g -Fish Cake/어묵(opt) : 500 g -Soy Sauce/간장 : 4 oz -Egg/달걀 : 16 -Flour/밀가루 : 8 cups ※Details [ ENG ] 1.PREPARING INGREDIENTS ⓐPeel and wash the Burdock off ⓑCut ingredients ; ①c...

송편(松葉餅)┃Half-moon Rice Cake-Ep.93

'추석 맞이 명절음식' "풍성한 한가위 보내세요" ⌒ ‿ ⌒ :::::: About 'Half-moon Rice Cake‘ :::::: Songpyeon is a traditional Korean food made of rice powder. It is a type of tteok, small rice cakes, traditionally eaten during the Korean autumn harvest festival, Chuseok. It became a popular symbol of traditional Korean culture. (◕౪◕✿)  *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #HalfmoonRiceCake #松年糕 #松葉餅 #송편만들기 ※Ingredients/재료 ⓐ'Paste Rice cake' /반죽재료 -Rice Flour/쌀가루 : 4 Cups -M​ugwort Flour/쑥가루 : 4 Cups -Hot Water/뜨거운 물 : 2 Cups ⓑ'Mashed Adzuki Bean' /팥고물 -Adzuki Bean/팥 : 150 g -Sugar/설탕 : 5 tbsp -Salt/소금 : 1 tbsp ⓒ'Mixed Sesame Seed' /깨고물 -Sesame Seed/통깨 : 80 g -Sugar/설탕 : 2 tbsp -Salt/소금 : 1/2 tbsp -Honey/꿀 : 6 tbsp ※Details [ENG] 1.PASTE RICE CAKE ; ①Rice Flour②M​ugwort Flour③Hot water and mix well 2.MASHED ADZUKI BEAN ⓐ1st,macerate adzuki bean for 1 day ⓑBoiling it for 30 minutes ⓒAfter grinding. add 's...

깻잎고기전┃Pan-fried Perilla Leaves with Beef Fillings-Ep.92

'추석 맞이 명절음식' "풍성한 한가위 보내세요" ⌒ ‿ ⌒ It is one of the foods that can be seen in traditional Korean festivals. Goes well with rice wine ; 'Makgeolli',especially rainy day! ʕథ౪థʔ *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #PanfriedPerillaLeaveswithBeefFillings #苏子叶肉煎饼 #肉のチヂミ #깻잎고기전 ※Ingredients/재료(For 4 Persons) ⓐPerilla Leaf/깻잎 : 50 g ⓑFor Meat Filling -Ground Beef/쇠고기다짐육 : 150 g -Tofu/두부 : 300 g (물기를 빼놓을 것) -Chili/고추 : red(1)+green(1) -Onion/양파 : 90 g -Korean Leek/부추 : 60 g -Squid Leg/오징어다리 : 100 g -Carrot/당근 : 40 g -Egg/달걀 : 4 -Oyster Sauce/굴소스 : 1 tbsp -Flour/밀가루 : 2tbsp, 1/2 CUP(4oz) -Starch/전분 : 1 tbsp -Soy Sauce/간장 : 1 tbsp -Salt/소금 : 1 tsp -Pepper/후추 : 1/2 tsp -Sesame Oil/참기름 : 1 tbsp+1tsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1 tbsp+1tsp ※Details 1.PREPARING 'Perilla Leaf',50g -Wash it out in cold water/ '깻잎'을 잘 씻어 준비해 두세요 2.Seasoning ground beef,150g/ 고기 간을 해줄께요 ⓐSeason the beef with ①crushed Garlic②pepper③sesame-oil /①다진마늘②후추③참기름을 더해 고기를...

Seasoned ‘Pimpinella’(ヒカゲミツバゼリのテンジャン和え)-Ep.91‘참나물무침'

한국인이라면 한 번 즘 ‘맛’봐야 할 봄나물  ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖ)ᴖ ᴑ ᴖ๑) 봄기운 담은 한 접시 ‘참나물무침’ 소개해보아요 :::::: About 'Seasoned Pimpinella ' :::::: Pimpinella brachycarpa, known as chamnamul. In Korean cuisine, the smooth leaves and crunchy stems of young ‘chamnamul’ are served fresh as a spring vegetable. In North Korea, 'chamnamul-kimchi' is a popular dish, known as one of Kim Il-sung's favourite. ಠಒ್ದಠ!  Anyway, blanch and season with soy sauce or even just with salt for a nice spring side-dish. Try adding it to your salads or using it as a garnish. Enjoy! *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #SeasonedPimpinella #ヒカゲミツバゼリのテンジャン和え #凉拌茴芹 #참나물무침 ※Ingredients/재료(For 4 Persons) -Chamnamul(Pimpinella)/참나물 : 150g -Soy Sauce/간장: 1tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1/2tbsp -Sesame Oil/참기름 : 1/2tbsp -Sesame Salt/깨소금 : 1/2tbsp ※Details 1.PREPARING 'CHAMNAMUL',150g ⓐTrim dead leaves off/ 나물의...

Boiled cockles with a Marinade(生拌泥蚶)-Ep.90‘꼬막무침'

꼬막이 왔어요 싱싱한 ‘꼬막’이 왔어요  - =͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧ :::::: About 'Seasoned Cockles' :::::: It is a food with a marinade on top after removing one side of shell after you've debearded the cockles, pour into the boiling water. This goes very well with SoJu. Enjoy it especially in Jeolla Province. *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #Boiledcockleswithasoysauce #ハイガイ和え #生拌泥蚶 #꼬막무침 ※Ingredients/재료(For 4 Persons) -Cockles/꼬막 : 1 kg -Spring Onion/양파 : 20 g -Chili/고추 : 15 g -Soy Sauce/간장 : 5 tbsp -Chili Powder/고춧가루 : 1 tbsp -Sesame-Oil/참기름 : 1/2 tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1/2 tbsp -Sesame-Salt/깨소금 : 1 tbsp ※Details 1.HOW TO MAKE A MARINADE /양념장 ⓐAdd ingredients ①soy sauce②crushed garlic③chili powder④sesame oil⑤sesame salt and mix well/ 양념장을 만들어 주세요 ; ‘간장’,‘다진마늘’ 등을 함께 넣고 잘 섞어줍니다! ⓑPreparing 'spring onion','chili'/ ‘파’,‘고추’를 다져 넣으면 ‘양념장’ 완성! 2.ADD MARINADE TO COCKLES ⓐPrepare the boiled cockles/ ‘삶은’ 꼬막을 준비해주세요 [ 꼬막손질법보기 ]

꼬막손질 및 '삶는 법'/How to clean and cook 'Cockles'-Ep.89

꼬막 한번       삶아보이소 ~          ƪ(  ˘   ⌣˘  )ʃ      *My Home Recipe in Korea/ 韓國料理   # 꼬막손질 # 꼬막삶는법 #howtocleanandcookcockles     ※ Ingredients/ 재료   -Cockles/ 꼬막 : 1 kg -Coarse Salt/ 굵은소금 : 50 g -Water     ※ 꼬막 ' 손질 ' 하기 (Cleaning Cockles)     1.Put 'Cockles','Coarse Salt' in a bowl and rub together(Salt 50 g per Cockle 1 kg)/ 소금을 뿌려넣고 꼬막을 치대 주세요 . '2 회 ' 정도 반복해주시는 것이 좋아요   2. Also Wipe the surfaces free of soil by brush/ 조개 틈사이에 ' 부유물 ' 역시 솔로 닦아냅니다   3.Rinse it out 2 times and done!/ 씻어 ' 헹궈 ' 놓고 요리하시면 됩니다       ※ 꼬막 ' 삶는법 '(Boiling Cockles)     1.Pour water to just barely cover the 'cockles'/ 꼬막이 ' 잠길 ' 만큼 물을 따라 부어주세요   2.Boiling only '7' minutes/ 약 '7 분 ' 정도 만 삶아줍니다   [ NOTE ]Stir in one direction ;This stops dirt f...

Find a food for Pepe from nature-Ep3 '민물새우잡이‘

"시골에 다녀왔습니다!" Worth 7 dollars(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵) 된장찌개에 넣어 먹으니 MSG 저리가라네여! *My Trip Diary/韩国旅游 #민물새우잡이 #shrimping #mytripdiary ※Preparation /준비물 -Material/통발 : ₩6,000 -Paste Bait/떡밥 : ₩3,000 -Patience ※How 2 use -Good seasoning for food, especially Korean soup! ※Contact : #Koreanfoodrecipe # 韓國料理 # 韩国料理 #Koreanfoodrecipe #MHR #Myhomerecipe #MolonLabe #Bulgogi #Kimchi #Koreanbbg #bibimbab #Korea #food #Manngchi # 韓国料理 # कोरियाईभोजन #Comidacoreana #KoreanischesEssen #Koreanongpagkain # الطعام الكوري # อาหารเกาหลี #Koreyemeği #MónănHànQuốc #Koreanngapagkaon

[Korean Recipe]Braised Mackerel(サバの煮付け)-Ep.88 ‘고등어조림'

  :::::: About 'Braised Mackerel' :::::: Fishy Smell Removed with a Spicy Sauce. The sauce for godeungeo-jorim(braised mackerel) is made by mixing a generous amount of Gochujang(red chili paste) or red pepper flakes with soy sauce. Because mackerel can have a strong fishy smell, the sauce also includes generous dollops of garlic and ginger. Mackerel is braised on top of potatoes or white radish while the sauce is intermittently spooned over the fish. That's all! Enjoy your meal  ◟( ˘ ³˘)◞  *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #고등어조림 #サバの煮付け #炖青花鱼 ※Ingredients/재료 (For 4 persons) -Mackerel/고등어 : 580g -Radish/무 : 380g -Spring Onion/파 : 50g -Onion/양파 : 80g -Chili/고추 : 40g -Suagr/설탕 : 1tbsp -Soybean Paste/된장 : 1/2tbsp -Chili Powder/고춧가루 : 2tbsp -Water/물 : 225mL -Soy Sauce/맛간장 : 3tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1tbsp -Mirim/미림 : 1tbsp -Red Chili Paste/고추장 : 1/2tbsp ※Details 1.WASHING MACKEREL(2 FISH/580g) -고등어 2마리 4인분 기준입니다. -손질한 고...

$400/A Night? How about room condition? 'Paledecz' in Haeundae,Busan-Ep.2

*My Trip Diary/韩国旅游 #paledecz #Hotelkorea #Haeundae ※Talk 'Paledecz' Condotel Q: Reasonable Price ? A: I think so. 10 adults can stay at half the price of a nearby 'Hilton' or 'Paradise' hotel. Q : Location? A : As you can see, 'Haeundae Beach' is located in front of the hotel. Also there are a lot of good restaurants and possible to make various delivery food using 'App'. If you tired, just order chicken&beer by swiping your finger. Q: Revisitng? A: Family trip time. Of course. But I dont know about the small size room type. Q: Star Rating ? A: ☆☆☆☆☆/★★★★☆( Pretty Good! ) ※Contact :      #paledecz #Hotelkorea #Haeundae  #Koreanfoodrecipe # 韓國料理 # 韩国料理 #Koreanfoodrecipe #MHR #Myhomerecipe #MolonLabe #Bulgogi #Kimchi #Koreanbbg #bibimbab #Korea #food #Manngchi # 韓国料理 # कोरियाईभोजन #Comidacoreana #KoreanischesEssen #Koreanongpagkain # الطعام الكوري # อาหารเกาหลี #Koreyemeği ...

[Korean Recipe]Fresh Kimchi(浅漬けキムチ)-Ep.87 ‘배추막김치/배추겉절이'

:::::: About ' Kimchi ' :::::: Vegetables commonly fermented in a brine of ginger, garlic, green onion and chili pepper. Koreans traditionally make enough kimchi to last for the entire winter season, although with refrigerators and commercial bottled kimchi this practice has become less common. Kimchi that is readily made is called Gutjaree(fresh kimchi) and the one that is fermented for a long time and has more sour taste is called Shin-Kimchi. Kimchi is often cited for its health benefits and has been included in Health magazine's "World's Healthiest Foods". Research has also found kimchi to be a preventive factor to stomach cancer. Hope you to enjoy with my mom's recipe. Sge bye!  (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)ノ  *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #배추막김치겉절이 #朝鲜辣白菜 #浅漬けキムチ ※Ingredients(재료) -Napa Cabbage/배추 : 2.2kg -Chives/부추 : 120g -Coarse Salt/굵은소금 : 400g -Chili Powder/고춧가루 : 7tbsp -Sugar/설탕 : 2tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 3tbsp -Crushed Ginger/다진...

[Korean Recipe]Stir-Fried Beef Brisket with Bean Sprouts(韓式炒豆芽)-Ep.86 ‘차돌박이숙주볶음’

  "정말 쉽게할 수 있지요" :::::: About 'Mung Bean Sprouts' :::::: 'Mung bean sprouts' are very ordinary in Asian cuisine and it’s popular side dish in Korea. Also extensively cultivated and consumed in East Asia. Super easy to make and goes really well with a bowl of warm rice. Happy Cooking-* (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)ノ  *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #StirFriedBeefBrisketwithBeanSprouts #凉拌绿豆芽 #霜降りもやし炒め ※Ingredients(재료) -Beef Brisket/차돌박이 : 300g -Mung Bean Sprouts/숙주나물 : 500g -Spring Onion/파 : 20g -Paprika/파프리카 : 35g -Perilla leaves/깻잎 : 10g -Sugar/설탕 : 1/2tbsp -Starch/전분 : 1tbsp -Sesame Oil/참기름 : 1/2tbsp+1/2tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1/2tbsp -Soy Sauce/간장 : 1/2tbsp -Pepper/후추 : 1/4tsp +1/4tsp -Oyster Sauce/굴소스 : 2tbsp -Salt/소금 : 1/2tbsp -Water/물 : 125mL ※Details 1.MARINATE BEEF BRISKET FOR 10 MINS / 차돌박이 양념 재우기,단, 10분! 2.HOW TO MAKE A MARINADE /양념 '레시피' -Mix ①Water②Oyster Sauce③Sesame Oil④Starch⑤Pepper together. /①물②굴소스③참기름④전...