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[Korean Recipe]Fresh Kimchi(浅漬けキムチ)-Ep.87 ‘배추막김치/배추겉절이'

:::::: About 'Kimchi' :::::: Vegetables commonly fermented in a brine of ginger, garlic, green onion and chili pepper. Koreans traditionally make enough kimchi to last for the entire winter season, although with refrigerators and commercial bottled kimchi this practice has become less common. Kimchi that is readily made is called Gutjaree(fresh kimchi) and the one that is fermented for a long time and has more sour taste is called Shin-Kimchi. Kimchi is often cited for its health benefits and has been included in Health magazine's "World's Healthiest Foods". Research has also found kimchi to be a preventive factor to stomach cancer. Hope you to enjoy with my mom's recipe. Sge bye!  (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)ノ 
*My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #배추막김치겉절이 #朝鲜辣白菜 #浅漬けキムチ

※Ingredients(재료) -Napa Cabbage/배추 : 2.2kg -Chives/부추 : 120g -Coarse Salt/굵은소금 : 400g -Chili Powder/고춧가루 : 7tbsp -Sugar/설탕 : 2tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 3tbsp -Crushed Ginger/다진생강 : 1tbsp -Fish Sauce(Anchovy)/멸치액젓 : 4tbsp -Plum Juice/매실액 : 2tbsp
※Details 1.PREPARING CABBAGE&CHIVES/재료①배추②부추를 손질합니다!
ⓐ1st, cut the cabbage in half /먼저 알배추를 반으로 갈라주세요 ⓑRip off the cabbage leaves and prpare for cutting /배춧잎을 떼네어 짤라줍니다 ⓒRinse if out 2 times in cold water /그리고 찬물에 2번정도 씻어주세요
2.SALT CABBAGE FOR 3 HOURS /3시간 정도 배추를 절여주세요 ※Note! A layer of cabbage sprinkles salt /이때, 소금이 잘 베이도록 겹겹히 뿌려주세야해요
3.HOW TO MAKE A MARINADE/양념장 만들기 -Mix ①Chili Powder②Fish Sauce③Crushed Garlic④Crushed Ginger⑤Sugar⑥Plump Juice together /①고춧가루②멸치액젓③다진마늘④다진생강⑤설탕⑥매실액을 넣고 섞어주세요
4.RINSE SALTED CABBAGE -Rinse if out 2 times in cold water and drain water /2번정도 씻은 후 물기를 충분히 빼주셔야 해요!
5.MIX KIMCHI STUFF WITH SEASONING/김치 버무리기 ⓐAdd marinade that we made in advance /미리 만들어둔 양념을 부워 주시구요 ⓑMix well season to taste /양념이 잘 베이도록 섞어주시면 끝! Very easy huh?  ꈍ﹃ꈍ 

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