밖에서 냉메밀 국수 사먹는게 젤 아까워요! (๑˘ꇴ˘๑) 레알 꿀 맛 보장. :::::: About 'Cold Buckwheat Noodles' :::::: Good day. My subscriber! Today menu is Cold Buckwheat Noodles. Buckwheat noodles are made by mixing buckwheat, wheat flour and starch. In Japanese, buckwheat is called 'soba'. It is made from soy sauce, Katsuo bush, kelp, etc. and boiled in cold sauce with radish and wasabi sauce. Very easy cook at home. You try, will love me ƪ( ˘ ⌣˘ )ʃ :::::: Know 'Soba' More :::::: There are two soba noodles in Japan: Moki soba and Kake soba. 'Moki soba' means cold soba and it sells well in summer.'Kake' noodles are hot soba and sell well in winter. *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #ネンモミル #清汤凉荞麦面 #BuckwheatNoodles #냉모밀국수 ※Ingredients(재료/1인분) -Buckwheat Noodles/메밀국수 : 100g -Radish/무 : 50g -Spring Onion/파 : 10g -Cucumber/오이 : 50g -Tsuyu/쯔유 : 3tbsp -Water/물 : 260mL ※Details 1.BOILING BUCKWHEAT NOODLES ⓐPut the buckwheat noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes/ 끓는 물에 메밀 면을 약 5분 간 삶아 주세요 ⓑRinse it out 2 times in cold water/ 찬 물에 약 2회 정도 씻어둡니다. ⓒPreparing Vegetables ; ①Chopped Cucumber②Grated Radish③Chopped Spring Onion/ 오이를 채 썰고, 다진 파, 무를 강판에 갈아 주세요 2.MAKE A SAUCE & NOODLES ⓐPour the water and add Zsuyu/물을 넣은 후 쯔유를 첨가해 줍니다. ⓑPlace noodles on ice/얼음 위에 메밀면을 깔아 주세요. ⓒAdd remaining ingredients on nooles/준비한 재료를 얹으면 끝! ※You can put seaweed power to your preference/ 기호에 따라 김가루를 얹어 드시면 맛이 두배! Easy cook with MYHOMEREICPE (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ※Contact : labemolon82@gmail.com
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