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[Korean Recipe]Tray Buckwheat Noodles,Food Korea-Ep.66 쟁반메밀막국수

'새콤','달콤' "족발과 함께라면" 아이구 오셔요. 쟁반막국수 보고가셔요  (ง •̀_•́)ง  :::::: About 'Tray Buckwheat Noodles' :::::: Tray Buckwheat Noodles are a dish of noodles that can be eaten by two to three people on a tray and filled with vegetables. It has become popular since the 1990s. It is a noodle with a spicy sauce. It forms an intermediate form of bibim noodles and bibim cold noodles. Especially, it is a 'sharing food' that goes well with Korean people who like to share one food with many people. The food that can be shared with the close friends is the tray noodle. Check my mom's recipe! *My Home Recipe in Korea/韓國料理 #쟁반막국수 #ピビムネンミョン #混ぜ冷麺 ※Ingredients(재료) -Buckwheat Noodles/메밀국수 : 200g -Lettuce/상추 : 80g -Perilla Leaf/깻잎 : 25g -Cucumber/오이 : 120g -Carrot/당근 : 80g -Apple/사과 : 230g -Paprika/파프리카[OPT] : 50g -Sugar/설탕 : 1tbsp -Soy Sauce/간장 : 2tbsp -Sesame Seed/통깨 : 1tbsp -Crushed Garlic/다진마늘 : 1tbsp -Red Chili Paste/고추장 : 1tbsp -Oligosaccharides/올리고당 : 2tbsp -Finely Powdered red Pepper/가는고춧가루 :2tbsp ※Details 1.RECIPE NOODLES SEASONING.
ⓐ1st,grate an apple/먼저, 사과를 강판에 갈아두셔요 ⓑMake a seasoning; ①soy sauce②sugar③sesame seed④crushed garlic⑤finely red pepper powdered⑥oligosaccharide⑦red chili paste/ 간장, 설탕 등을 넣어 막국수 양념을 만들어주세요 2.PREPARING VEGETABLES. -Finely shred ①carrot②perilla leaves③apple④paprika⑤cucumber /당근, 깻잎 등을 채썰어 두세요(영상참조) 3.BOILING BUCKWHEAT NOODLES. ⓐBoiling for 10 minutes ;Put the buckwheat noodles in boiling water/ 끓는 물에 메밀국수를 넣고 10분 정도 끓여냅니다. ⓑRinse it out 2 times in cold water/ 차기운 물에 2회 정도 씻어주세요 4.HARMONY ALL OF THE INGTEDIENTS. -Pour the marinade after place the vegetables and noodles/ 준비한 재료를 깔고 만들어 둔 양념을 뿌려주시면 완성! Easy cook with MYHOMEREICPE (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ※Contact :

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